Belonging to the shell-fish tribe there is the pinna[1] also:
it is found[2] in slimy spots, always lying upright, and never
without a companion, which some writers call the pinnotheres,[3]
and others, again, pinnophylax, being a small kind of shrimp,
or else a parasitical crab. The pinna,[4] which is destitute of
sight, opens its shell, and in so doing exposes its body within
to the attacks of the small fish, which immediately rush upon it,
and finding that they can do so with impunity, become bolder
and bolder, till at last they quite fill the shell. The pinnotheres, looking out for the opportunity, gives notice to the
pinna at the critical moment by a gentle bite, upon which
the other instantly closes its shell, and so kills whatever it has
caught there; after which, it divides the spoil with its companion.
1. Or pina. The Pinna marina, Cuvier says, is a large bivalve shell-fish,
which is remarkable for its fine silky hair, by means of which it fastens
itself to the bottom of the sea.
2. The poet Oppian, Halieut. B. ii. 1. 186, relates the same story about
the pinna and its protector; which is also mentioned by Cicero, Plutarch,
and Aristotle.
3. We have already had an account of one pinnotheres, in c. 51. Some
of the editions, however, make a difference in the spelling of the name,
and call the animal mentioned in the 51st Chapter, "pinnotheres," and
the one here spoken of, the "pinnoteres," the "guardian of the pinna;"
from the Greek verb thre/w, "to keep," or "guard." "Pinnophylax"
has the same meaning.
4. Cuvier says, that in the shell of the pinna, as, in fact, of all the bivalves, there are often found little crabs, which are, as it were, imprisoned
there; and that it is this fact that has given rise to the story of the treaty
of amity between these two animals, which appears in various authors, and
is related in various forms, which only agree in being devoid of truth. Cuvier says that a careful distinction must be made between the pinnotheres
of this Chapter, the one of which Aristotle makes mention, and that which
is mentioned by Pliny in c. 51, the hermit-crab of the moderns. There
can, however, be but little doubt that they are different accounts of the
same animal.